Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Boo Boo Bunny

"Mommy, I've got a boo boo!" How many times a day do you hear this, or something similar? If your kids are anything like mine they are constantly asking for band-aids and ice packs to make the owie better. I found this really cute idea years ago on "How to Make a boo boo Bunny" and I have one in my freezer right now. Its really easy to make (even if you are craft-challenged) and it will be a quick fix for any boo boos, scrapes, bumps, or ouchies that come your way.
boo boo bunny

Here is what you need:
A washcloth
thin ribbon
google eyes
small pom pom
craft glue (or hot glue gun if you prefer)

Step 1: Fold your washcloth in half to make it look like a triangle.
boo boo bunny

Step 2: Roll the cloth from the point to the long side of the cloth.
boo boo bunny

Step 3: Fold the rolled up cloth in half.
boo boo bunny

Step 4: Fold it in half again so that the loose ends point backwards towards your first fold.
boo boo bunny

Step 5: Secure the folds with a rubber band (place it about 1 1/2-2 inches away from the fold).
boo boo bunny

Step 6: Tie ribbon over the rubber band and make a bow.
boo boo bunny

Step 7: Glue eyes and nose on.
boo boo bunny

Step 8: Dip the bunny in water and place it in your freezer.
boo boo bunny

Step 9: Patiently wait for a crying kid. (OK, OK I know, I cheated she's not crying but you get the idea)
boo boo bunny
The best part about this whole project, it cost me 49 cents! I had to buy the google eyes (and you will probably use them on another project anyways). I thought this was so cute that I actually will be making these for baby shower gifts too!


  1. So cute! Would love it if you would link this up at my turquoise lovin' party! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2011/11/turquoise-lovin-12.html

  2. cool idea!! i'm stopping by from the lovely poppy and would love for you to come by and checkout the huge giveaway going on that ends thursday- http://thelovelypoppy.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-follower-giveaway.html xoxo nicole

  3. so cool...can't wait until I try.Found you from 'sweet little gals' party....

  4. You can also wrap a wrapped bar of soap.Bring up the ends for ears, glue on jiggly eyes, and attache a cotton ball in the back for a tail.

  5. Love it!! These are AWESOME to have around for the kiddos!! I posted a link to this on my blog...thru my pinterest board!
    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn
    **I also have a GIVEAWAY going on - please stop by & enter!!


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