I personally love my laundry soap choice, it's quick and easy. The one thing that I do not like is the massive bottle of plastic I toss afterwards. I feel guilty and bad that I just added to the landfill. I love the way I re-use these containers for toy storage! Check it out....
Print out a photo of the object you are going to store in the container and add the word to it as well. By doing both you are teaching your child a few things---first, they are learning that things have a place and it makes things easier if they know where they go. Second they learn to match the way the word looks with what the object is. It's a win-win!
Carefully trim your photo to the size you want it to be. I used an old plastic bowl and traced around it before I cut it out, it worked perfectly!
If you have a fancy-shmancy sticker maker you can use that...or you can also use glue or really sticky tape and attach it to the back of your photo.