Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wee Gen - Seventh Generation Diapers- AWESOME!
Going green, when it comes to diapers, can mean lots of different things. You could interpret it to mean "I am going to cloth diaper and use cloth wipes" or "biodegradable diapers and biodegradable wipes" or even "disposable diapers that are chemical free." Either way you look at it, it involves a little bit more effort on your end but in my honest opinion totally worth it!
My "need to be green" started when my youngest was 3 weeks old. We used the same diapers on him that we had used with our previous three children. We noticed that his poor little bottom was getting redder and redder with every change until at 3 weeks of age is bottom was so raw that we took him to the doctor. He had been diagnosed with a chemical burn from the brand of diapers we had been using. I was horrified! A chemical burn? Really? Yes, really! We had to use 3 different prescription creams to help heal his sweet bottom up and used cloth diapers until he was completely healed. After that experience I did a bit of research and decided to dig deeper into the world of diapers and find a product that met my needs (ease of use) and my demands (chemical free and safe!)
We used a brand that claimed to be "natural" and didn't seem to have any issues with them, but when we were asked to try Seventh Generation's Wee Gen diapers I have to admit we're making the switch! Seventh Generation was the brand we settled on and haven't looked back since. I love them! I was thrown off by the fact that they aren't the bright white diapers (I've come to expect) but rather a light tan color. Want to know why? They don't use bleach! These diapers fit my chunky monkey just as well as the "other brand" and seem to absorb just as well too! And just like they say on their site "absolutely no fragrances, latex, petroleum-based lotions or chlorine processing. You'll love the way our new, adjustable tabs give baby a soft and comfortable fit." This was the answer I needed to hear!
Using eco-friendly products is an important step toward teaching my children about conservation, and Seventh Generation and Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax have joined forces to inspire families to save the earth’s resources with conscious consumption. Created with our little ones and the environment in mind, Seventh Generation is the natural choice for high-quality and effective products free of fragrances, latex, chlorine and other harmful chemicals. Make a difference by choosing Seventh Generation, now offering free shipping for orders over $50. As the Lorax says, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Exciting news!!!
One of OUR readers will win a Green Your Home pack! (winner will be picked after the campaign has ended (April 30th)) Comment here for a chance to WIN!
Want to know how we live like the Lorax besides using Wee Gen diapers? We save our yogurt containers throughout the year and re-use them to plant seedlings. We let our seedlings grow and then transplant them into our very own vegetable garden! Last year we grew enough vegetables to feed our family of six and some neighbors too! We use natural products (chili powder and marigold flowers) to keep the pests and animals away from our crop instead of chemical products that can harm us or the environment.
How do you live like the Lorax? Tell Seventh Generation below and be entered to win a Green Your Home prize pack! This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Seventh Generation. The opinions and text are all mine. Official Sweepstakes Rules.