May Day is coming up soon. Some people celebrate it and some people don't. In making these May Day baskets with my kids I learned that some people even celebrate it differently than I remember. For me, it was a day where you left candy in a basket at the door of a friend or neighbors house. For Jamie, it was a basket filled with flowers. Two different versions of the same idea. Just to brighten someones day and to make them smile!

Take four of those pieces and twist them together (to give you eight spokes) and take another and attach it to your pipe cleaners and snip it so that it measures the same as the rest. This will give you nine spokes (and you will want an odd number) to weave.
Begin by curving the spokes upward and start weaving a long pipe cleaner in and out of the spokes until it comes to an end. Attach another pipe cleaner to the end of the previous one and continue on until you reach the top of the spokes. Be sure to weave upward to create a basket.
Once you get to the top of the basket bend down the nine spokes over the top of the last row and you will have the basket completed. Add another pipe cleaner to the top for a handle and you are finished!
Do you celebrate May Day? Did you use flowers or candy?
This basket is adorable!