Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Raising Kids...

We all know that raising children has good, bad, and ugly times. Today we bring you a little humor related to raising your little ones!
The Good:  Pregnancy gives you the best, most luxurious hair you've ever had.
The Bad:  Four months after you give birth, your hair begins to fall out.
The Ugly:  You no longer care that your luxurious hair is gone because there's no time to wash and style it anyway.

The Good:  Pregnancy gives you glowing skin.
The Bad:  Six months into your pregnancy, stretch marks begin to show.
The Ugly:  Your skin now looks like a prune.

Coffee The Good:  You thought that your third trimester of pregnancy prepared you for sleepless nights.
The Bad:  Tossing and turning in bed is nothing compared to actually having to get up with an infant.
The Ugly:  Due to sleep deprivation, you have now used breast milk or formula as coffee creamer. (photo source)

The Good:  You bought the safest, cutest car seat for you infant.
The Bad:  You didn't realize how heavy and bulky that car seat would be.
The Ugly:  Your adorable car seat now smells like sour milk and is full of poop because of a blow out diaper.

The Good:  Making babies is fun!
The Bad:  Sometimes it can be a chore to get pregnant.
The Ugly: After your kids are born you can't remember the last time you did the baby making dance.

I'm Sick The Good: Your child suddenly wants to cuddle with you.
The Bad:  You need to miss work because cuddly child is sick.
The Ugly:  You just got thrown up on! (photo source)

The Good:  Your child is starting to speak their mind and is saying the funniest things!
The Bad:  Sometimes the things your child says are embarrassing.
The Ugly:  Your child repeated to your Mother-In-Law that "she's a b*tch".

The Good:  Your child is learning to ride their bike without training wheels.
The Bad:  Your child occasionally falls while riding their bike.
The Ugly:  Stitches to the knee and elbow here we come!

Angry child The Good:  Your child says "I love you" for the first time
The Bad:  After a while, your child's favorite phrases become "no" and "I don't want to"
The Ugly:  Your child now frequently yells, "I hate you!" (photo source)

The Good:  Your child grows up and become more independent.
The Bad:   You being to miss some of your child's younger years.
The Ugly:  Your child growing up means that you are getting older!

What are some of your good, bad, and uglies of raising kids?

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny! And too real that it's scary too! We don't have kids yet so that's probably why I still find these funny... But we have one cat and one dog and sometimes, it can get ugly too. LOL


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