Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Visit From The Love Bugs

Welcome to day 12 of Toys In The Dryer 14 Days of Valentines!
From February 1-14 we'll be doing non-stop Valentines posts to celebrate this lovely holiday! 

I saw this idea on the Disney Family Fun website a couple of days ago and wish I would have seen it earlier this month!  Though it's not an original idea of mine, I thought it was too good not to pass on...It's visits from the Love Bugs before Valentine's Day!  I came up with a few different versions of the Love Bugs so you have ideas of what to do with them.
Version 1:
The Love Bugs are a family of bugs that visit your house every night beginning February 1st and leave treats such as Hershey's kisses, Valentine M&M's, or heart chocolates, and notes for your kids.  Your children never see the bugs but know they've visited from the things they leave behind.  On Valentine's Day the Love Bugs leave a special larger treat for your kids then leave until next year.  (This version is similar to the one I saw.  Click on the link above to read more about it)

Photo courtesy of telahmarie on Etsy (cute huh?)*

Version 2:
The Love Bugs are two bugs that come to your house on February 1st every year.  They are similar to The Elf on the Shelf at Christmas time.  They sit in one place during the day and watch to make sure your children are behaving.  At night they leave and report to the Valentine Queen Bee.  The next morning your children will find your two Love Bugs in a different place for the day.  Your children can not touch the Love Bugs or they will loose their power to report to the Valentine Queen Bee.  If your children behave from Feb 1st to the14th they will find a special large treat for them instead of the Love Bugs on Valentine's morning.  If you want to take this a step further, tell your children that the Valentine Queen Bee talks with Santa on a regular basis about how children behave.

What do you think?  Will your family start one of these traditions next year?

*telahmarie has no clue who I am and I have no clue who she is.  I simply found her photo/Etsy shop on the web and thought this was the cutest bug ever.  I received no compensation for linking to her shop. 

Click on the button to see all of our 14 Days Of Valentines posts!


  1. This is very sweet. Take care, Linda

  2. So cute! i love love bugs! Have a nice day!


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