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Facebook- We update our Facebook page every day with posts and try to interact with our readers too. Click HERE to follow us on Facebook.
RSS- Our RSS feed is another great way to stay connected. We love our readers and subscribers! Click HERE to subscribe via RSS feed.
Twitter- We tweet daily and love to chat with our tweeps. We often will send out upcoming information on Twitter. Click HERE to follow via Twitter.
Pintrest- On Pintrest we like to pin our favorite posts, photos, and activities. Here we also pin inspirational ideas and our Fun Stuff Fridays features. Click HERE to follow on Pintrest.
Blog Lovin'- This one is new to us but we highly recommend you check it out. It's a great way to catch up on all our latest posts. Click HERE to follow us on Blog Lovin'.
Our Blog Frog Community- Yes, we have a community for our readers to interact with each other. Though it is a bit slow at the moment, we would LOVE to get it going and make it a real place to talk about life with kids, life in general, blogging, and anything else you want to chat about. FYI: It takes just a few seconds to load onto our site so please be patient. Click HERE to join our community.
Email- Never miss a post by subscribing to us via email. We promise we don't spam. It's easy to subscribe and just as easy to unsubscribe (though we'd rather not have you do that). Click HERE to subscribe via email.
As always we do not require you follow us for any reason including giveaways, and we do not solicit followers. We would rather have 10 people follow us because they truly want to stay connected than 1,000 followers who never visit our site.
Thanks for your understanding and patience with this big change.
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