Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ten things to do in the winter with your kids

Since today is our "Hodge podge" day where we post pretty much whatever we like (ha ha ha) I thought it might be a good time to post some ideas of fun things to do with your kids during the winter months, especially since we're in the thick of it right now.
Hope you find some great tips from this list!

1. Explore tracks- take time to go outside and explore the different shaped animal tracks in the snow (or dirt) and see if you can figure out what they are. This adventure offers a few great things: a little science learning, quality time, and creative thinking.
Photo courtesy of Five Elements Arts

2. Make a trail hunt- Go outside during their nap time (or a time when they can't see you) and make a trail throughout the yard, twisting and turning and jumping between steps. Have them go outside and follow the trail.
Photo Courtesy of Log Like

3. Make a "headless snowman". We all know snowmen have three circles...well this snowman has only two....then have your child stand behind them and THEY get to be the head. Snap a photo and use it for a card or a special surprise.
Photo Courtesy of Disney Family Fun

4. Use mini marshmallows to make a snowman indoors! An easy thing to do and tasty too!
Photo Courtesy of Happy Home Fairy
5. Google search "free snowman coloring pages." I don't know about you but my kids love to color pages that are "seasonal or holiday appropriate." For example, they are really into snowmen right now. Once you find the photo you like print it out and let them create and color.
6. Toilet paper snowman game. All you need is a roll of toilet paper and some winter gear. Have your kids wrap each other in the toilet paper and put hats, mittens and scarfs on each other. (This one reminds me of that silly game I've played at bridal showers where you have to create a wedding dress out of toilet paper.)

I couldn't find the source for this photo. I do not take credit for this photo.
7.  Snowman Relay Race. This one is great if you have lots of kids in the neighborhood. You need two laundry baskets- each with a pair of boots, a hat, scarf, two charcoal bricks, a carrot and a broom. Build two snowmen at one end of the yard and place the baskets at the other end. Yell "go" and have each team race to the snowmen and see who can dress him the fastest.

Photo Courtesy of Be Different Act Normal
8. Bake together! You can make cookies from scratch or you can buy a mix and make snowflake cookies. Have fun experimenting with decorations and frosting's.
Photo Courtesy of Annies Eats

9. Make paper snowflakes. Raid the printer paper at home and sit down together and make those lovely snowflakes you always made as a child. It's a great time to share with them the memories you had from childhood.
Photo Courtesy of Martha Stewart
10. Play Roll a Snowman together. Cut out six parts to a snowman. Use one die and roll it. The first person to build their snowman first wins.

If you roll a 6- head, 5- arms, 4-hat, 3-body, 2-carrot nose, 1- scarf

Photo Courtesy of Tip Junkie

What are some things you like to do with your kids in the winter?


  1. If my kids could have made cookies that looked like that, we'd be millionaires!

    Cute ideas. I like the snowman dice game.

    1. Diane- you WERE paying attention...I had to toss that photo in there for giggles =)

  2. What fun ideas!! Thank you for sharing them at Sharing Saturday!! Have a great week!


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