I don't know about you but Hubby and I love wine and we drink it frequently. I have saved all of my corks, thinking one day I will make something out of them. I have an entire large box full and have yet to do anything with them until now!
I saw this super cute cork reindeer on Pinterest and thought this was perfect for my girls to make and a perfect use of some of my corks!
The original post does not have any directions so I had to guess a bit. We also didn't have the same things on hand so we improvised...
We quickly discovered that regular glue just won't work so we used our hot glue gun which worked much better!Two and a half corks, some pipe cleaners, "google eyes" as my girls call them, and a pink jewel (because we didn't have red) and we've got a cork reindeer!
Ours vs theirs..what do you think?
P.S. The original post has some other super cute things to make for Christmas out of corks so I highly suggest you check it out!
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