Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Tree Bunting

Christmas bunting

Some of you may remember my Bunny Bunting Banner I made last spring for Easter. If not be sure to HOP over and check it out (sorry, I couldn't help myself).  I loved the way it turned out so much that I decided to make one for Christmas this year, except put a spin on it. Instead of using colorful paper (which you can still totally do) I decided to use Christmas colored fabrics and make little trees! I am SO excited with how it turned out and I thought I'd share it with you for a little inspiration as well.
Christmas bunting

Gather enough fabric to make several trees. Cut and stitch them each, leaving the bottom open for turning right side out and for stuffing and adding the tree stump.
*If your kids are good with scissors, they can help you cut the trees out.

Christmas bunting
My least favorite part of sewing is making sure my corners (or points) are nice and precise. My grandma was a stickler for perfect sewing so I kind of feel like I would be letting her down if I gave it half of my effort. Using a small scissors or a knitting needle (or even a chopstick) carefully push out the three corners so that they come to a nice point.
*If you trust your children not to poke through the fabric, have them help you push out the corners.
Christmas bunting

Stuff each tree and blanket stitch (here's a link to how to blanket stitch) each tree shut, don't forget to add in the tree stump too!
*This step your kids can definitely do and they'll love it too!
Christmas bunting

Attach all of your trees to a pretty ribbon and hang! I am in love with how it turned out. Whatcha' think?

Do you let your kids help you with sewing projects?

1 comment:

  1. Cute! my son would love making these. Yes, he likes to sew! :) Stopped by from SITS.


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