Friday, August 10, 2012

Fun on the Farm

family fun on a farm
We live in the real farms close to us for several hours (by car). When my kids see animals that live on a farm it usually entails a state or county fair of some sort. My father in law lives on a farm. His home is a 6 hour drive straight north from us....354 miles to be exact. Survival in the car is #1 priority...what I mean is traveling with 4 kids ages 5, 4, 4, and 18 months gets tricky. The ever popular question "are we there yet?" gets asked in numbers so high that I cannot fathom to guess. Is it worth it? Absolutely! When we get there it is a whole new world. My kids peel themselves out of their car seats and head right for the toys on the farm. With 200+ acres there are lots of things to do and lots of space to do them in.

family fun on a farm
Our Papa he is a crafty guy. He turned an old John Deer lawnmower into a safe, slow riding toy for the kids. He removed the blades and it turns off immediately if they stand up.

family fun on a farm
He has lots of ATV's and 4 wheelers, or are those the same??? The kids get to ride these with the adults and to be quite honest I don't know who has more fun.

family fun on a farm

They rode on papa's tractor and had a blast! The giggles could be heard far across the wide open!
family fun on a farm

They got to feed a calf named Buck-O. They thought this was the most incredible thing ever! To see a baby animal eat was awe inspiring to them.

Long story short, if you have an opportunity to take your kids to a farm DO IT! It creates memories to last a lifetime, teaches them so many things, and they will really enjoy themselves.

Have you ever taken your kids to a farm?


  1. We go to the farm every opportunity we get! I have several posts on my blog, too. It's so much fun and usually free!

  2. I feel the same way about long drives. It's awful while it's happening but always worth it! I needed that reminder since we are trying to decide if it's worth a 5 hour drive to go to the beach for 2 days. I'm thinking now that it is defiantly worth it!

    Just found your blog. Loving it!

  3. How wonderful that your kids get to experience farm life with their grandparents. This post took me on a trip down memory lane to the 6 hour drives we used to take to my grandmothers country house 4 times a year.


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